Join Us in Welcoming Guest Photographer
Carol Holmes

“Society” series by Carol Holmes
Inspired by the multi-layers in our society, and the “in your face” media headlines of trying times, Carol’s intent with the Society series is to turn negatives into positives through her artwork.
Carol Holmes is an emerging artist searching to find her individual voice & style. Follow her progress on her blog, bluecanvas or redbubble.
Compilations of Carol’s work:
You go Girl, you have been Bleesed with the ability to capture the moment at hand. Love your work.:-)
I love your work! You are a great artist and a beautiful person! Keep up the great work!
I think Carol has a very good future ahead of her in photography. She has a way of capturing the moment in her work. Some very interesting subjects, some you see everyday and think nothing of it until you see it again in a photograph. Go get em carol!!
carol has a rare talent that can’t be taught, a huge heart, and an adventurous spirit. the crossroads of these qualities can only be brilliant.
Carol’s work is thoughtful, well-executed, good to look at, and smart.
Randy Turoff
Always a pleasure to see Cookie’s work! Her spirit shines through in her images that resonate with the viewer. Thank you for sharing these, Cookie! I can’t wait to see what you create for us next.
Carol, I am so glad to see your work get the recognition it deserves. This series is especially poetic and powerful. America in its finest light. A visual anthem. Lovely and inspiring.
Cookie, your work is absolutely outstanding in every way possible. You have a rare and incredible gift, indeed. It is a real pleasure to know you and view your art…
As her husband,I am amazed at what Cookie is able to do with a camera. We have been married 25 years this year, and I have been able to be a part of something that gets better with every shot she takes. I’m so proud of the art that she has put together. I’m her number 1 fan, and am very much in love with her. I enjoy being a part of her world. Keep up the art and I’ll keep being your #1 fan.
Great series, Carol! Fantastic work! I see
why you were invited to be a guest!
By the way, congratulations for the guest invite, very well deserved!!!!!!
Excellent work with a very important message, thank you and Bravo Carol!!!!!!!!
Carol,I love your AMAZING work! it is filled with such emotion.It makes us stop and think what the photo means to us. Such powerful images!
This is an amazing series, Cookie. Your creations are as inspirational as they are beautiful. You are indeed a gifted artist.
A powerful and inspiring series, Cookie. Congratulations for this well deserved featured guest spot. Very happy for you.
Her work is outstanding. I really like the way she composes a transmute a great message with her work. I would also highlight her quality and manage of lighting. It is so good. My fav is “Free Seeds Helping American Get By”. She is an inspiration. Thanks so much for sharing her work.
Talented artist and phenomenal series…congrats on being featured artist – well deserved recognition!
Fabulous series of photos. Really enjoy the compositions, depth, textures and color. Each connected to each as in society, the USA theme rings true also, the individual freedom of the bird but together in flocks love the symbolism. I am glad I found this series on this day…September 11…adds more to the meaning of our flag being represented and our strength as a nation. Congrats on your invite to this lovely site and continued success with your art! Peace and Love, dp
Outstanding work, Carol! Each photo has a strength that blends the unique nature of two images to create a result that is both evocative and compelling. One would think that the photos would all feel “similar”, and yet they do not. You have varied subject matter enough to give each photo its own distinct presence. Congratulations on this recognition for work well done!
I like the attempt of Carol Holmes through this series to show different faces of the society introducing birds as messengers and wire as a connection,route for information. I also like the method used by Carol.Double layers. In the case of this series they can be interpreted as different faces of society. Very creative and eloquent work, and I like every image in this series. Keep up the good work, Carol!
This is a wonderful photo series, Carol! Fantastic and very creative. Congratulations and looking forward to more of this kind Love it!
A remarkable and powerful series focused upon trying times. Not an easy topic to deal with, but you have made a powerful statement through these incredibly beautiful and expressive images. Contratulations Carol, on this beautiful featured showing of this remarkable series. You have a brilliant future ahead of you.. keep up the wonderful work!
Beautiful and creative work. So glad you are able to use your great talent to branch out some!
It’s so nice to see Carol’s work on aamora. So much of her art gives not only the juicy emotional aspects but gets you thinking about the foundations of American culture and the issues that contaminate and erode at it. She sends a very powerful message about our economy and ecology.
Great to see as an emerging artist that you continue to experiment and grow Carol. I wish you the recognition that is well deserved and always enjoy viewing your new creations…
Very nice, Cookie! i love all of them 🙂
You are a great person and artist. I love your work and this last series of society has been OUTSTANDING!!! I really amazed to see the “Society” series by Carol Holmes Inspired by the multi-layers in our society, and the “in your face” media headlines of trying times, No doubt Carol is an emerging artist searching to find her individual voice & style. Very thoughtful and important work of yours and you need appreciation.. Carol you did excellent work on it! I really enjoy looking at your picture and, hoping to see a lot more, you are a very sweet and kind person. Keep up the good work I am so very proud to call u as my friend. You have grown so much in your work. My loving wishes are for you like birds are flying in the sky Carol. You are a Dedicated and Outstanding artist and you continue to do more in near future.
Your work is always so powerful. It always inspires. Incredible!
Cookie, your ideas and images are so original and eloquent. They are beautiful too. What a wonderful talent you have. You are able to express your amazing insight with fabulous artwork. This is a rare gift.
It is so exciting to see your amazing work on display here, Cookie. I have admired your work for several years now and I’m thrilled that you have this opportunity to share a portion of your inspiring work for others to enjoy too!
Regards from Australia