Join Us in Welcoming Guest Photographer
Carol Holmes

“Society” series by Carol Holmes
Inspired by the multi-layers in our society, and the “in your face” media headlines of trying times, Carol’s intent with the Society series is to turn negatives into positives through her artwork.
Carol Holmes is an emerging artist searching to find her individual voice & style. Follow her progress on her blog, bluecanvas or redbubble.
Compilations of Carol’s work:
Absolutely astounding!!!! Love all your work and as for finding your voice I think you have. Such a wonderful person and what a gift God has given to you. It’s always amazing to me how you see so much in such ordinary things that we all take for granted each and everyday. Each time I see your work it gives me a whole new meaning of everything around me.Hope you know how much we love you and wish only the greater things in life for you. I think if you touch one person in your life and allow them to if only for a moment, slow down,refocus, and truely “LOOK” around, then you have made it. For me this is what your work does.
Love Always,
Carol Carter
Wonderful series, Carol!
I always enjoy viewing “Cookie’s” work. They cut to the heart…
I look forward to seeing more works by Cookie and look forward to seeing someone finding her talent and using it and making her world known.
I just want to say, “Thank You” to all my friends, and family for taking the time to comment, and for all your love & support! “My cup runneth over”
I have followed Carol’s work for a long time and the images she produces are not only stunning graphically but prophetic in their vision and comment on our times, herself and all of us that call ourselves ‘human’.
Beautifully done, Carol. The connecting thread of birds gives the images great energy and texture.
Great work Carol keep up the good work! I look forward to seeing more!!!!
It’s a really wonderful set that Carol has put together here. I come away with a twinge of sadness to many of the pictures, but promise as well. The overlay of images adds a haze of sorts that says things are complex and not as they should be, but it also works. They fit so well. So very well composed. Really, really nice work, Carol.
Great set of images and thoughts behind them, and good to see you on Aaamora Carol!
彼女の刺激的な作品のそれぞれを作成します。それは彼女がここで認識を確認するには、信じられないほど美しいです – 彼女の作品は、本当にどこにもパラレルがありません。
This is such a beautiful and moving series, Cookie!! Really fantastic work!!! Congratulations!!!! :)))
Hauntingly beautiful work……..
Congratulations Carol!
Carol, I have been enjoying (and learning from) your beautiful photographs for over a year now. Every time I log on to my computer, I’m hoping you’ve posted something new. You’re an inspiration to me and many others. These photos are an example of how powerfully pictures can convey a message. Keep up the great work, keep posting for us.
A sincere thanks……..Andrew
The Birds, who are carrying all our dreams and hope, also the sorrows of everyday life. Your images with birds are bring us another eyes to capture our world. Thank you for sharing!
Meaningfull beauty. Thank you for sharing!
Carol’s work is always important, significant and compelling, touching on those concerns common to so many of us and about which few of us are as capable of expressing them as she is. And yet it is not a sense of protest that one takes away after viewing her beautifully composed and artistically textured images. It is, instead, a profound sense of compassion and connection to each other, and she accomplishes that by virtue of the “eye of her heart” with which she creates each of her evocative pieces. It’s incredibly lovely to see her recognized here – her work really has no parallel anywhere.
I really like this series of pieces that you have displayed here. I like your use of symbols in these pieces…I hope to see more, keep up the good work!
browse aroun I find this way-up artistic pictures with a deep social-everyday-thought-issue,and make me wonder how she combine with such a simplicity, those tremendous,serious topics.
Carol “Cookie” Holmes’s works show a sensitivity to contemporary real issues facing Western Society today. I love the use of texture and tones, with the deeply iconic everyday imagery- all making an evocative and memorable impact.
The work in this series strikes several chords, chiefly to the abandoned, and to the deployed, of which there is little hope for return. Compression of materials (wood, light, bird), ideologies and mythologies, paired with expansive titles, rupture what may in another era have earned bedrock status. To that end, we are invited into Holmes’ oeuvre by way of our own clichéd expectations, sorely remiss for lugging around what seems a lifetime of promises and hopes of an assured future. It is here her work is most redemptive, for it neither castigates nor assimilates these hackneyed expectations, but instead lays them bare for the birds to light upon and repopulate with sheer conviction and magical realism.
I absolutely love all of your work!! Breathtaking and meaningful. You are such an inspiration in life itself 🙂 Thanks for sharing your work, as you are a great artist!!! Congratulations, you are awesome!
-Rebecca 🙂
You know your pictures are always thought provoking and have a meaning behind them. Keep on doing your thing and the future is wide open for you and your creative mind.
Wonderful work! Welcome to aamora!
Carol, you are truly talented. Your work is unique and heart felt. Congratulations!
Debrah Leonard
These photos are poignant and straight from the heart!
cookie, always knew u had it in you..congraluate on good job
Carol, your work continues to amaze there no limit to your creative abilities? I am so honored to call you a “friend” and fellow artist!
Can’t wait to see what you will tackle next!!
Diane xx
I love this series, it depicts life in a very fascinating way, the economical problems which affect every citizen in any country. Your choice of depicting birds, layering in various frames, poetic in a way, shows your love for freedom, and not just, a bright way of showing the world that those problems will be resolved, a dark time that we all get through at some point.
I congratulate you!
Roxana Brivent-Barnes