The pebbled red-brown dirt road stretches side-
to-side, converging away in a rolling
whoop-dee-doo fashion, as a couple
in a classic green car drive out
of the photo’s faded colors and
into my life.
Retro tail lights depart
a long-gone past to enter mine, where Dad
drove us through the country, gunning
our car’s engine over the hilly asphalt
as I shouted, “That was fun, do it again,”
and we flew mere inches towards the sky.
In the photo, the car seems to lean right,
as if labored, wanting to stay
behind in history’s place,
but receding telephone poles guide its
hesitant path, pointing it onward, encouraging
it down the road, from my thoughts to its new horizon.
Jolie Buchanan is a mixed media artist and graduate student; Connect with her on the Jolie B Studios facebook page, twitter, or Google +.
You can see more of Chris’ work on his website
Fab collaboration…
Great Fun!