3 Aamora Members published in JPG magazine

Three aamora.com members, Michael Van der Tol,  Alexis Gerard & Aaron Schwartz  are published in the latest issue (#25) of JPG Magazine.

For more info & to preview, download or order hard copies of the magazine, click here.

JPGMAG_1721502 Marie by Aaron Schwartz –  (on JPGmag.com here)

Shopping Cart Graveyard - M. Van der TolShopping Cart Graveyard – by Michael Van der Tol  – (on JPGmag.com here)

Alexis Gerard Ballad of a Thin Man by Alexis Gerard – (on JPGmag.com here)


Michael Van der Tol, founding aamora member, lives in Qualicum Beach, British Columbia. His photographic work focuses on rural & landscapes. View more of his work on his website on his blog or here on aamora.com.

Aamora member Alexis Gerard co-authored Going Visual, founded Future Image and 6Sight® & is a member of the International Advisory Council of the George Eastman House. View his Flickr photostream or his aamora contributions.

international group of photographers, writers and artists