Aamora Celebrates A Love for iPhoneography

Aamora Celebrates A Love for . . .

iPhone Photography

Aamora members and special guests celebrate their love for iPhoneography.

Join us in celebrating!

{Photo by Leanna Lomanski}
{Cuppa by Kreddible Trout}

Follow www.aamora.com as we present various i-phone artists, styles and essays.

Upload your own i-Phone art to aamora’s facebook page or share it out to us on Google +

{Photo by Danielle Kelly}
{FU by Kreddible Trout}
{Photo by Danielle Kelly}
{Photo by Aaron Schwartz}

Click to view aamora’s iPhoneography collection
if you see something you enjoy, feel free to leave a message below for the artist;
remember, click on a photo to view separately or leave a comment directly for that photo


Aamora contributor Danielle Kelly is a NYC photographer currently focused on street, portrait & landscapes photography with available light. View her work on her website, tumblr, posterous or her other aamora contributions.

Leanna Lomanski is a photographer from Lethbridge, Alberta; Enjoy Leanna’s work by viewing her portraitures, her fine art website or her blogs O Snap! & Sometimes The World Is Black & White.

Kreddible Trout is a self-proclaimed satirist/artist who’s relocated to Toronto from Canada’s west coast to further his acting career [William Foley]. View his website, tumblrJPG Magazine Redbubble or aamora contributions.

Aamora founder, Aaron Schwartz, is a photographer, actor, lawyer, writer, and flaneur based in Toronto. You can view more of Aaron’s work at his website, on JPG Magazine, or right here on aamora.

international group of photographers, writers and artists