Our Best of 2010

It’s been another great year at aamora.com and to celebrate we asked our members to send us their best of 2010. I think you’ll agree they are a talented group of artists.


{Crossing Guard by Diane Peterson Quito, Ecuador}
{Chaos Theory by Jim Robertson; Columbus, Ohio}
{Cocise Head by Skip Hunt Chiricahua Mountains National Monument, AZ}
{Hwy 395 by Alexis Gerard near Grant, California}
{Marie Wilson on Centre Island, Toronto, Canada}
{Heaven's Gate by Jim Ford Lake Ontario, New York Shore}
{A Mix of Sun & Light Rain" by John Linton I-99 into State College, PA}
{Untitled by Aaron Schwartz Toronto, Canada}
{Josie by the Marine Pool by Catharine Amato photographed in Clevedon}
{Reflections by Ronnie Ginnever Greenwich Village, NYC}
{this riff, m'lady, I wail it for thee by Kreddible Trout Venice Beach CA}
{Encased In A Dream by Danielle Kelly Fultonham, NY}
{The Rain Takes a Break by Michael Van der Tol Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island}


international group of photographers, writers and artists