Congratulations Out To Skip Hunt

Skip Hunt thebirds 550

One of the images he has on is the one to the left, titled “The Birds” . This photograph will be hanging in the Smithsonian from July this Summer until Feb 2011!  Congratulations, Skip! Click here to find out more.

Skip recently pointed out to us that  “there’s been an uptick in upscale bars using the plasmas & lcd screens to display curated local artists. One such venue contacted me for a slide show for this purpose and I put this together for them:


Skip also sent us the video below. He tells us he made it “just for fun… shot with a little flip-style Kodak video cam at 60fps to make a smooth slo-mo of this girl hula-hooping… mixed it with some ambient drum circle audio from the same event/party.”:


We’re always pleased when Skip returns to aamora. This time it’s as our newest member!  His photography is remarkable for its beautifully vivid color, incisive composition and varied locales, including Mexico, Guatemala and South Africa. You will be well rewarded by checking out more of Skip’s work at skiphunt:visualartist .

international group of photographers, writers and artists