New Book ‘Go West’ by Aamora Member Skip Hunt

Just Published ‘Go West’:

by Aamora Member Skip Hunt


. . . And away we go!


This is not a “trip journal” theme with the usual travel details, but instead a collection of my favorite images & thoughts along the way. 


Instead of functioning as a tour guide, my intent is to take you right along with me, nestled inside my head, reading thoughts and seeing what I see.


I set out on this trip from Austin, Texas going more or less westerly with the idea there would be no rules. If I found the first place I arrived to be calling me to stay awhile, then so be it.


If the road called me further, then I’d be free to ramble.


Please enjoy, and welcome aboard! ~ SKIP HUNT © 2010

(Skip has agreed to share some of this new book of his with us here at aamora. Skip’s book can be purchased here (U.S.) or here (U.K.).

The excerpt above is from the opening pages of the book, and the photos below are some of what you’ll see as you travel along with him.

We’re always pleased when aamora member Skip Hunt checks in with us from one of his travels. His photography is remarkable for its beautifully vivid color, incisive composition and varied locales, including Mexico, Guatemala and South Africa. And now he has published a book on his motorcycle travels through the South West U.S. It’s beautifully done, and would make a great gift.

The Kindle Edition of the book is available here (U.S.) or here (U.K.). The book will be available in print as well on Amazon soon – watch for it.




international group of photographers, writers and artists