My first Drive-Thru Car Wash Experience by Colleen Dodson Baker

Living in Los Angeles and being 65 one would think I’d experienced drive-thru car washes before, but I hadn’t until this week.

My husband and I work with a homeless program and were coming back from delivering 250 Towels to a Center deep in Hollywood. (Masked & gloved up, of course!). To document the transfer of towels I had my Nikon in the car. After the drop off my husband said, “Do you mind if we get the car washed before we head home?” I was thrilled to be out of the house, and was feeling like a tourist in my own hometown so I said, “Sure! Yeah! That’d be great!” and he drove us to a Shell Station in West LA that has a drive-thru car wash open for business.

The experience was a cross between exhilaration and fear of drowning! I was squealing as I clicked away these photos.
In a time of isolation I was gifted with a new experience, much needed laughter, and a few interesting photos. It was a good day.