Postcards by Alexis Gerard II

1-21-2010 (Postcard 11 - Fish)1-21-2010 (Postcard 11 – Fish)

1-21-2010 (Postcard 12 - FOOD)1-21-2010 (Postcard 12 – FOOD)

Alexis Gerard is a member of Alexis has been a passionate photographer since his twenties. He worked at Apple in the pioneering days of the Macintosh launch, then founded imaging think-tank Future Image in 1991. He founded and now chairs the 6Sight® Future of Imaging executive conference. He co-authored the book “Going Visual”, speaks widely on imaging technology, and is a member of the International Advisory Council of the George Eastman House. As a result of his business activities he had the opportunity to begin shooting digital in the early nineties and does so exclusively now. He prefers small cameras he can have with him at all times. Check out Alexis’ other posts on aamora here and see his other work by clicking here.

international group of photographers, writers and artists