Tag Archives: black and white

NEW YORK CITY 1983 by Avard Woolaver

5th Avenue and East 36th Street, New York, 1983

5th Avenue and East 36th Street, NY 

5th Avenue, New York, 1983

5th avenue NY 

B. Altman and Company, 5th Avenue, New York, 1983

B.Altman and Company. 5th Avenue, NY 

Bicycle remains, New York, 1983

Bicycle remains, NY

MoMA, New York, 1983


Perspectiva Mundial - the Spanish monthly for the Socialist Workers Party, New York, 1983

Perspectiva Mundial-the Spanish monthly for the Socialist Workers’ Party, NY

Three-card Monte, New York, 1983

Three-card Monte, NY

These are street photographs taken in New York in early November, 1983. I used a Rollei 35S and Tri-X film. I had visited New York as a teenager in 1976, but this was my first time with a camera. My intention was to capture interesting street scenes.

Avard’s previous post on aamora

see more of his work on his website and on Photo Vogue