Tag Archives: CANADA

Me and Monkey Tallying It Up

Welcome to our third installment: Aamora Carnival Project

Hey there carnival go-er!

Have you made plans & connected with other carnies yet?

Monkey and I have been gearing up for the international carnival of all carnivals, words and artwork are floating in from people all over the world coming together to get in on the carnival chaos.

We’re continuing to answer phones, check e-mail, and make plans for the event. We just wanted to let you know we’re planning a report come next Friday to you all about some of the far flung places and people involved with the aamora carnival.

Ooooo, this is going to be good!

Stay tuned for next Friday’s installment…

Aamora welcomes guest submissions for the ongoing Carnival Project in the form of photographs, videos, artworks and/or writings. All submissions will be taken into consideration for publishing.

For submissions: Forward inquiries to us at [email protected]

American photographer Diane Peterson is an aamora.com member living on the northern prairies of Idaho using a collection of analog & digital cameras. View Diane’s work on her website, her blog, at holgaville or aamora.com.

Aamora member Jolie Buchanan is a painter, potter & photographer based in Columbus, Indiana; Enjoy more of Jolie’s work on her website or on aamora.com.

Aamora Project Carnival
View the ongoing series