Tag Archives: CANADA

Paul Lavallee

Paul Lavallee, holgameister extraordinaire, is currently featured on Holgaville.

Check out Paul’s “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”.

Incidentally, Aamora members Aaron Schwartz and Marie Wilson recently met Paul and Nicole Gesmondi in Toronto when the couple drove up from Rhode Island.

Here they are enjoying a smart cocktail at the Ritz:

photo by aaron schwartz

Vancouver born Marie Wilson, was one of the first aamora.com members. Marie is a writer, photographer, artist, actor, mother & muse living in Toronto. View her work on her website, on JPG Magazine or on aamora.com.

Founder of aamora.com, Aaron Schwartz, is a photographer, actor, lawyer, writer, and flaneur based in Toronto. You can view more of Aaron’s work at his website, on JPG Magazine, or on aamora.com.