Tag Archives: ITALY


“Like most Manx folk I grew up to love the heady atmosphere created by the island’s motorcycle racing scene. As a local photographer then it will be no great surprise to find that nearly all my ‘professional’ images involve racing motorcycles of one sort or another, where I try to capture something of the colour, speed and excitement that makes road racing such a visceral experience. One of my other passions is music and I’m lucky enough to be accredited as a photographer at the annual Cambridge Folk Festival. For my personal photos I’ve latterly been using the wonderful compact Fuji X100s to capture my family, holidays, dogs etc. The camera is small and discreet and it was this that encouraged me to try my hand at something new and exciting, candid street photography. Three days as a tourist wandering the streets of rural villages as well as the hustle and bustle of Palermo allowed me to collect the images seen here. I really couldn’t have picked a better location to start as Sicily is such a vibrant place populated by lots of stylish, colourful characters. Needless to say I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and discovered a style of photography I will definitely be doing more of.”

You can see more of Robin’s work here

on his Flickr pages

and his 500px account